The Ugly Cry Reminds Me to Remind You

I haven’t communicated directly to my dear readers in SUCH a long time. Instagram is so easy, and it flows right here, so…

Time for a check in.

Today I just randomly burst into tears and cried a long hard ugly cry. So much tumult in the world added to standard issue life stuffs are making every move I make feel so portentous, weighty, and frivolous all at once. Spending time so near the place I grew up is affecting me in ways that sometimes surprise and attack me from behind. I am so grateful to have respite in my quiet studio so I can think about things.

I’m no social justice warrior. My primary skills are making things pretty and being able to explain things in way too many words. Knowing this about myself, I made a decision many years ago that I would always support organizations that teach people to read. I devoted my spare moments in the last twenty years to these groups, because I believe that if a person can read, they can learn and if they can learn, they can succeed.

I would like for you to get to know the two organizations that I have advocated all these years, and consider helping them to help people of all races, cultures and creeds. As you can see from the video of Taye Diggs reading his book to his very excited audience and the videos below from some remarkable moments I’ve had while writing to spread the word through this blog, reading will make the world a better place.

Support PBS Kids, and they’ll teach our children reading, science, math, and how to handle their emotions. Support the STAR Adult Literacy program, and you can break chains of illiteracy. I consider being able to have these moments to share with you an honor and a privilege.

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