Archive for the 'Interior Designers' Category

Post Turkey entertainment

Published on December 4, 2008

Tweet You may have noticed a gap in posts and that would be due to a two week vacation to my hometown in Mississippi so that The Critter could delight our family and friends as much as he does us. We had a wonderful time, but I really must to catch y’all up on the […]

Weekend in the hood

Published on September 23, 2008

Tweet Bah, Critter had the croup for the third time last week, so my posts were few. We did manage to attend two noteworthy events on Sunday. My very fabulous designer friend Carlos Alberto of The Skyline Studios was chosen to create a model unit at EVO South. The much-anticipated LEED certified highrise community opened […]

Speaking of Malibu and eccentrics…

Published on August 22, 2008

Tweet …it appears that Cher is selling her Malibu mansion. When I first moved to Los Angeles, I became fast friends with Barrie Livingstone. We both were new in town and were on fire taking on LA. We both did well really quickly, got big clients neighborhoods that make careers. For about two years Barrie […]

Narcissistic artist post #01

Published on April 16, 2008

Tweet It occurred to me as I sat on the terrace enjoying a glorious California morning the odd trivia that led to the painting currently housed a la John Saladino in my direct line of vision. The original muse for the painting was a staircase that led to a garage apartment on Charleville. I walk(ed) […]

West Week is coming – Part two

Published on March 25, 2008

Tweet The first day I worked at the glamorous Wilson and Associates office in Beverly Hills, I was asked to copy an entire specification book for a High Roller Suite of the MGM Mansions. It took all day and I was bored stiff. I was a good little copier, though, and I learned an awful […]

West Week is coming – Part one of many

Published on March 18, 2008

Tweet Ah it’s that time of year again, as evidenced by the arrival of the invitation to the always fabulous Kneedler Fauchere for a reception after the Jack Lenor Larsen event… I can remember the first day I ever entered the Pacific Design Center. I was an intern working for Trisha Wilson and Associates in […]